"Wake every day with a WINGED HEART and give thanks for another day of LOVING." (Khalil Gibran)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Fishinmom Layouts

3/13/15 UPDATE:  If anyone is seeing this, I am so sad to report that my sister, Susan (on the left) passed away in January of 2014 from breast cancer.  She had never had a mammogram and never took care of herself.  The radiation and chemo destroyed her heart.  She was so tiny, only 4' 6 1/2" tall.  It's still so hard to think of her as passed away.  She had five kids and 7 grandchildren, most very young.  There's another one on the way now and her daughter is having a hard time being pregnant with a child her mother will never know.  

Hi everyone. Hope all of you are doing great! I'm okay but still sore after having a nasty fall last Saturday. Can't seem to stay on my feet these days! Boo Hoo! LOL

Here's two new layouts I made with Fishinmom's Seabreeze Cottage kit which is available in her store. The first is me (in the middle) with my sisters Darlene and Susan. The second is my niece, Leilani, quite some time ago. She is growing up so very fast! Hope you see this, my Sweet Leilani! I miss you and love you lots!

I really like that her kits are so versatile. You can get so many "looks" from just one kit! Go check her out!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, beautiful LO's as usual! You are so good, keep up the excellent work my friend! Pretty kit you used!